Increasing Healthspan to Meet Lifespan.

At the forefront of Private Club Fitness, Health, and Wellness, we're committed to delivering top-quality, scientifically-backed programs. Our focus is to exceed member expectations with first-class facilities and tailored experiences, fostering a healthy lifestyle.


Performance + Longevity Center

Lifespan, the total years a person lives, has been extended thanks to advancements in modern medicine. However, it's the quality of those years, known as healthspan, that truly matters. While the average lifespan is 78.8 years, healthspan lags behind at just 66 years, according to the American Heart Association. This 13-year gap highlights the difference between merely living and living well. That's why, over the past 5 years, we have dedicated ourselves to sourcing the best equipment globally for our members at The Fort Worth Club.

Our goal is to enhance our members' healthspan, adding not just years to life but life to their years, ensuring they enjoy a fulfilling and healthy life to the fullest.